Buran Motion Planning Framework
This is the complete list of members for bmpf::AllDirectionsPathFinder, including all inherited members.
_buildedGridPath | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_buildedPath | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_calculationTimeInSeconds | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_closedNodes | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_closedStateConvCodeSet | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_collider | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_coordsUsed | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_endCoords | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_endNode | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_endState | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_endStateFromCoords | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_errorCode | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_findCoordsInClosedList(std::vector< int > &coords) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_findCoordsInOpenedList(std::vector< int > &coords) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_findFreePoint(std::vector< int > coords, unsigned long pos, unsigned long maxPos, const std::vector< double > &state) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protectedvirtual |
_findLinkDistance(std::vector< int > &a, std::vector< int > &b) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | |
_forEachNeighbor(std::shared_ptr< PathNode > currentNode, std::vector< int > &endCoords) override | bmpf::AllDirectionsPathFinder | protectedvirtual |
_getPathNodeWeight(std::vector< int > curCoords, std::vector< int > &endCoords) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_gridSize | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_gridSteps | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_groupedGridSteps | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_kD | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_kG | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_maxDist | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_maxNodeCnt | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_maxOpenSetSize | bmpf::AllDirectionsPathFinder | protected |
_moveNodeFromOpenedToClosed(const std::shared_ptr< PathNode > &node) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_openSet | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | protected |
_pathLength | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_ready | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_scene | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_showTrace | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_startCoords | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_startState | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_startStateFromCoords | bmpf::GridPathFinder | protected |
_startTime | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
_threadCnt | bmpf::PathFinder | protected |
addObjectToScene(std::string path) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
AllDirectionsPathFinder(const std::shared_ptr< bmpf::Scene > &scene, bool showTrace, unsigned int maxOpenSetSize, int gridSize, unsigned int maxNodeCnt, unsigned int kG=1, unsigned int kD=0, int threadCnt=1) | bmpf::AllDirectionsPathFinder | inlineexplicit |
buildPath() override | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | virtual |
calculatePathLength(std::vector< std::vector< double >> path) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
checkCollision(const std::vector< double > &state) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
checkCoords(std::vector< int > coords) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
checkCoords(const std::vector< int > &coords, unsigned int robotNum) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
checkState(const std::vector< double > &state) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
checkTask(const std::vector< double > &startState, const std::vector< double > &endState, double opacity) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
coordsToState(std::vector< int > &coords) const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
coordsToState(std::vector< int > coords, unsigned long robotNum) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
deleteObjectFromScene(long robotNum) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
divideCheckPath(std::vector< std::vector< double >> path, int checkCnt) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
divideCheckPathSegment(const std::vector< double > &prevPoint, std::vector< double > nextPoint, int checkCnt) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
ERROR_CAN_NOT_FIND_FREE_END_POINT | bmpf::GridPathFinder | static |
ERROR_CAN_NOT_FIND_FREE_START_POINT | bmpf::GridPathFinder | static |
ERROR_CAN_NOT_FIND_PATH | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
ERROR_REACHED_MAX_NODE_CNT | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | static |
findGridPath(std::vector< int > &startCoords, std::vector< int > &endCoords, int &errorCode) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
findPath(const std::vector< double > &startState, const std::vector< double > &endState, int &errorCode) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
findTick(std::vector< double > &state) override | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | virtual |
getAllProcessedStates() | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | |
getBuildedGridPath() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getBuildedPath() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getCalculationTimeInSeconds() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getCollider() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getCurrentState() | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | |
getEndState() | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getEndStateFromCoords() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getErrorCode() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getGridSteps() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getGroupedGridSteps() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getJSONPath(std::vector< std::vector< double >> path) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
getMaxDist() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getPathFromJSON(const Json::Value &json) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
getPathLength() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getPathStateFromTM(double tm) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
getPathStateFromTM(std::vector< std::vector< double >> &path, double tm) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
getRandomState() | bmpf::PathFinder | |
getScene() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getStartState() | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
getStartStateFromCoords() const | bmpf::GridPathFinder | inline |
getThreadCnt() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
GridPathFinder(const std::shared_ptr< bmpf::Scene > &scene, bool showTrace, int gridSize, int threadCnt=1) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | |
infoPath(const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &path) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
isReady() const | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
loadPathFromFile(const std::string &filename, std::string &scenePath) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
loadPathsFromFile(const std::string &filename, std::string &scenePath) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
nextNode() | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | inline |
NO_ERROR | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
NodeGridPathFinder(const std::shared_ptr< bmpf::Scene > &scene, bool showTrace, int gridSize, unsigned int maxNodeCnt, unsigned int kG=1, unsigned int kD=0, int threadCnt=1) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | inline |
paint(const std::vector< double > &state, bool onlyRobot) | bmpf::PathFinder | virtual |
PathFinder(const std::shared_ptr< bmpf::Scene > &scene, bool showTrace, int threadCnt=1) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
prepare(const std::vector< double > &startState, const std::vector< double > &endState) override | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | virtual |
prepare(std::vector< int > &startState, std::vector< int > &endState) override | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | virtual |
savePathToFile(std::vector< std::vector< double >> path, const std::string &filename) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
setReady(bool ready) | bmpf::PathFinder | inline |
simpleCheckPath(const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &path, double maxDist) | bmpf::PathFinder | |
splitPath(std::vector< std::vector< double >> path, unsigned long partCnt) | bmpf::PathFinder | static |
stateToCoords(std::vector< double > state) | bmpf::GridPathFinder | virtual |
tryToGetNeighborPtr(std::vector< int > newCoords, const std::shared_ptr< PathNode > &parentNode, double sum) | bmpf::NodeGridPathFinder | |
updateCollider() | bmpf::PathFinder |